Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hey cool, I won something.

I'm a member of goodreads.com, a website where we keep track of the books we've read, the books we're reading, and the books we want to read. You know all those times someone says "Oh you should really read this great book" and you promise you will, then you get to the library but forget the title and that's the end of it? Goodreads lets you virtually toss the books onto your imaginary nightstand. I have all my "to-read" books ranked by their reader rating and when I'm on our library site I pull up the goodreads list and put whatever looks interesting at the time on my hold list at our neighborhood library. It's brilliant.

Periodically goodreads has contests to win a newly released title straight from the author. Loads of authors are on goodreads too, so if you're fan of Paulo Coelho or Frances Mayes or Neil Gaiman, you can stalk follow them there. I put in the contests for whichever books look interesting and seems I'm on the receiving end of Every Last One: A Novel by Anna Quindlen. Cool.

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