Friday, November 28, 2008

What a weird day.

I told the housekeeper not to come in today. Never mind that the entire entry is layered in mud. With the rains comes the flooding in from the street. With the flooding comes plenty of debris, trash and mud. Our driveway is slick with mud and plastic. The mud comes into the house on the feet of mostly small people. The small people were out for several hours (rain or not) in their swimsuits, creating additional lakes, rivers, waterfalls, islands, etc. The biggest of the little people decided to bring in a dead frog that was supposed to be some crow's lunch but was dropped in our driveway. She then put it in the sink and dissected it. The kid can't stand bugs, but give her a half-mangled frog and she's happy as a clam. OK.

So the day has been rather fruitful. They played outside, always a good thing especially as the temperature is so nice. I keep opening windows to listen to the rain, they keep shutting them. I gave in and made some breakfast, French Breakfast Puffs. I doubt they're French at all, but hey what do I know. They were OK, more muffiny than I think they were supposed to be, but that's probably a result of my being unable to cream the crisco/sugar since our beater died, making them slightly heavy.
Our beater died a while ago. It wasn't a huge surprise. For a multispeed mixer it was stuck on 1 for several years, and it wasn't a slow 1. Everything required hand beating before using the mixer so it didn't fly all over the kitchen. But that's what plugging things into transformers does. It kills them. It's even worse for items with heating elements which brings me to our toaster. It died this week. Waaah! My parents sent it to us as a gift when we lived in Manila, it was a great 4 slice toaster, wide enough for most bagels even. It was a suddent death. It started acting wonky on Monday and by Wednesday it had passed on to toaster heaven. We use our toaster a lot, so we'll purchase a 220v to use the rest of our time here and store it when we return next year. In the meantime, raw bread.
Our slow cooker won't be coming home with us. It's from a decade ago, has a single Off/Low/High knob, and I want a new one with a delay button. The last time we made stewed apples it cooked too long and we ended with applesauce. Good applesauce, but not what we aimed for. I've come to really like the crockpot. It's so convenient, I think I'll look around for a crockpot cookbook beyond the one the cooker came with.
Our food processor won't come with us either. It's from before we got married, has 3 options, On/Off/Pulse and 2 shredder disks. Again I just want a new one. Is that so wrong? It's had a long, good life.
OK, enough with the kitchen talk. Well, one more thing, Katherine made lunch today. I didn't ask, she just did. Of course I didn't offer to feed the crew either and it was already 2 p.m., but hey, I was busy. Busy putting up Christmas! The tree is up, the lights are on it, the stockings are up, the Advent calendar is ready.
This coming week is the toy drive at the school, and we have quite the pile being donated. I've gone through the toy room and the gift box and pulled out everything the kids have outgrown or items that have become outdated. Mr. Potato Head is great, but not the favorite nor often played with. To be honest, Darth Tater was never the favorite, no matter how cute he is. The Magnetix are going also, along with old puzzles, games, and books. Time to clean house and give to others. Two birds, one shot. Just another reason I like the Season.
So now it's time to dig up some food again. Tomorrow I'll make a turkey pot pie with most of the leftover bits from Thanksgiving, but honestly I'm not hungry now so it'll be a foraging night for the kids. We're running a little late on everything but it doesn't matter too much as Ian is still at work for a DVC. As of right now, he's heading to Mumbai tomorrow as back-up. I'm not thrilled, but that's part of the job. I'm actually more not thrilled because he'll also be gone from the 15th-23rd in Hyderabad, and I don't know how long he'll be in Mumbai seeing as the situation there is not over, 2 days after it started. The kids are understandably worried for his safety, I know he'll be safe but I don't like him going anyway. Maybe they'll change their minds between now and tomorrow. Cross your fingers for us and keep praying for those currently in Mumbai. All ~17 million of them.

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