There were dozens in our neighborhood including the community yard sale at a nearby elementary school. Nicholas went out with me and I scored 5 Wilton cake pans for Becca for $5 and an orangey leather loveseat for the boys' room... free. Nicholas was awesome helping me get that thing in the back of the van to bring home and he got his very first ride in the front seat.

Sadly, I passed on the tent we saw. We don't camp, yet I'm always attracted to tents. Explain that one.
Ian and I huffed and puffed the mini couch up to the boys' room then went out with the family to lunch at Cheeseburger in Paradise, a quick stop at Home Depot for a filter to fit our new heat pump (we had 16X25, this one calls for an 18X22 which apparently doesn't exist in real stores so we currently have an 18x18 in there.... seriously, I have to order filters for the new system) and then off to pick up Caleb, Katherine's friend, to see "Alice in Wonderland" not in 3D. It was OK. I liked the little twist at the end, the story was fine, the imagery was nice but I don't know, it really didn't grab me. It didn't grab me anything like "How to Train Your Dragon."
Dropped older 3 kids at home to clean bedrooms, mow the lawn, etc. and took Jonathon and Ian for haircuts. Jonathon was not a very happy camper, first two shots on Thursday and now his hair, but I told him that after this he didn't have a reason to cut his hair for a long time and he'd feel a lot cooler with the hot weather coming. He wasn't all that convinced but he was pacified, not that he threw a fit or anything but you could tell he just wasn't happy about getting the chop.

Aw look at those pretty blue eyes! Couldn't see them under the mop before.
Ian wasn't a happy camper either largely because the woman sitting beside him had $100+ of work done on her head (at Hair Cuttery! can you imagine everything she had to have done for that much money at Hair Cuttery?) and had her toddler in a stroller between her and Ian. A toddler that very clearly did not want to be in a stroller anymore.
Back home again, we cleaned more in the garage in search of the edger charger and finally found it. If it doesn't rain tomorrow, edging will be done. The composter contents got dumped around the roses, some weeds were pulled, some dirt was swept. In the basement more laundry was washed.
I think I'm done.
Oh, quick story from earlier this week. Becca's rose cake? She made a strawberry box cake (remember, we're saving the cake making learning for after the cake decorating learning) for her class this week. She put in in the oven, cleaned up, and realized she hadn't added the eggs to the batter. Thankfully it was within 5 minutes of putting the pan in the oven, so out it came and she added the eggs, stirred up the batter and popped the whole thing back in the oven. Baked, cooled, and iced it went off to class. Back home, Rebecca served us slices and we hit this:

Maybe we need to tackle basic cake making sooner?
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