Tuesday, June 3, 2008

For people who have grads or know grads

From a parenting group I'm on I saw some great ideas for gifts for the new grad. Check inside.

- A laundry bag full of towels. How about tossing in a starter set of individual laundry detergent packs. And maybe a pack of quarters
- A favorite book, like a good simple "out on your own" basic cookbook, or how to fix things.
- Luggage type tote bags. Monogrammed even.
- Stationary to keep in touch with friends. Along with that, how about a basket with desk supplies like a small stapler, staples, rolls of tape, stamps, some good pens, 3M hooks, a mini sewing kit, etc.
- Order from a place like "Our Name is Mud", that makes fun coffee mugs and bowl .
- For the college bound, get items in their school colors or from their school store, like a desk lamp with the school logo, a picture frame, or a blanket throw with the mascot.
Anyone have other suggestions to add to the list? Tried and true gifts that really help out a kid on his/her own?

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