Wednesday, August 16, 2006

ISO a Qualified Dentist

Nicholas's wiggly tooth is still wiggly. It's been weeks! Each week it gets a snidgen looser, but it's in no way on the verge of falling out. He's doing well otherwise.

Katherine cracked her front tooth last summer (funny story... she was running down the hall in the apartment building, pushing a luggage trolley and her face ran into the wall.... ok, not so funny) and the repair we had done is slowly crumbling away. She hasn't whacked it again and she's brushing and flossing and all that, but it's just falling apart. She's becoming self-conscious about her smile, and that's not good.

Rebecca's spacer fell out well ahead of schedule during the school. No idea why, she was sitting in class when it happened. Now she's worried about why her teeth aren't coming in white like Katherine's, and why one of her lower teeth has come in facing the wrong way. I think she's accepted braces in her future, and she's only 8!

Jonathon has tartar issues, so he needs a good cleaning ASAP.

When we get to India, someone point us to the nearest and best dentist!

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