Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Links everyone should read (according to me)

Op-ed Column from the IHT: Make Diplomacy, Not War
"In short, the United States is hugely overinvesting in military tools and underinvesting in diplomatic tools. The result is a lopsided foreign policy that antagonizes the rest of the world and is ineffective in tackling many modern problems."

IHT Sports: India Takes Notice of the Olympics

"The Beijing Games were a minor event until Bindra's victory. Olympic sponsorships are low-key here, advertising has been minimal and the government channel carrying the Games seems to be staffed by announcers with little knowledge of sports."

IHT Sports: Togo Take Home its First Every Olympic Medal
In Kayaking!! "Boukpeti wanted to compete for France, but injured both shoulders and needed surgery. By the time he had recovered he was too old for the training program. He opted for Togo, even though it meant he had no team structure and had to seek help where he could from other leading canoeists."

IHT: Everything in India is Changing, Except One Thing
"India is changing so fast that it is starting to look like someplace else. Skyscrapers are sprouting. Towns are ballooning. The young date, drink, smoke freely. But many of the people who are making the new India new - from the stockbrokers to the bedecked socialites - are responsible for preserving a certain gloomy element of the Indian past: a tendency to treat the hired help like chattel, to taunt and humiliate and condescend to them, to behave as though some humans were born to serve and others to be served."

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