Thursday, April 6, 2006


I own a copy of the book The Gospel of Mary Magdalenewhich I haven't gotten around to reading yet, but I'd best get moving if The Gospel of Judas (though short in its 31 pages) is being released soon by National Geographic.

I still have Misquoting Jesus and The Confessions of Saint Augustine in the wings, which makes me think that rereading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix will have to wait. Well, Katherine said she wanted to read it again first anyway. Hmph.

Of course, everything has to wait until I'm done rereading Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl, the definitive version of course. Since I'll be working with a highschooler after the break on the book, it kinda takes priority.

I have no doubts that by the end of this tour, all the books on our shelves will be read.

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