Tuesday, April 11, 2006

There's a show....

There's a show called something like "Try My Life." Obnoxious teens 'trade lives' with totalitarian parents. It's chock full of laughs. No, I'm kidding. But the kids think it's a great idea. I told them they would never be allowed to disrespect us or any adult the way those kids do. Or at least how they do in order to play up to the camera.

So, last night over dinner the kids decided that they would like for children to be in charge of everything in our family. After all, we get to stay up late and they often discover open packages of cookies on the coffee table. Yes, we're busted. They said they'd especially like to be able to send us to bed. I glanced at Ian and asked him if he'd mind being sent to bed at 7:30 or 8 p.m. Hmmm, let me think, nope. But then I asked them, OK... beyond the TV watching and cookies would you really want to be responsible?
You can imagine where the conversation went. The younger three thought it would be fabulous. Katherine, well....
The initial idea sounded dreamy, but upon further inspection she said she likes being a kid. We discussed what her jobs as a kid really are: To have fun. To go to school. To make friends. To do what she's been asked around the house. To learn and ask more questions.
Yes, the kids decided that they would like for children to be in charge of everything in our family. Maybe just for a few days though.
Our discussion moved on to the topic of respect, in its simplest form of addressing others and how it's all based on relationships.
We seem to be having more and more talks over dinner that actually make a difference in who they are and how they conduct themselves. Is this what happens as kids grow up?

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