Sunday, January 23, 2005

Still Searching

We're looking for a copy of John Stewart's _America_ but all the bookstores are sold out. I guess we'll have to wait until we get home.

We went to Fully Booked today because we love that store. For a few weeks it was a pain to visit. Seems they were reorganizing and shuffling their stock, because then every aisle was crammed with boxes and books covered the floor in stacks and now it seemed they had every book we've been looking for (ok, not _America_) sitting right out and the store felt full but uncluttered. Ian had been searching for the illustrated _DaVinci Code_ for me and today it was waiting on the first table. Woohoo! I also picked up a copy of _The Dante Club_ while Ian got another Grisham and Katherine has a new set of Boxcar Children.
We also went to the video store and picked up "Imelda". It was in the theaters but we didn't manage to see it then.
Lunch today was at Teak at Powerplant Mall. Eh, OK. The Thai salad was alright, Ian said his burger wasn't that flavorful. The girls said the potato leek soup was good and I know that Nicholas's pasta was good. But alright and good won't bring us back. Mati was -way- better.
This afternoon we created the beginnings of our Piles. Basically one to VA, one to Togo. I'm finding it much more difficult this time figuring out where things should go since we're planning six things at once. The items we're selling but not quite yet, the items we're not selling but not bringing with us, the items we'll need between packout and departure, the items we'll need in VA, the items we'll need right off in Togo, and then of course everything else we don't need right away anywhere and we won't see for almost a year.
We did a good job today but I do need to get the quilts cleaned before they get shipped to VA while sending the comforters and sleeping bags to Togo. I'll be going through the kids' drawers to send some ahead while keeping enough here for about a week that should fit in our suitcase. Of course our suitcases will be filled with mostly winter stuff. I went through all our tupperware keeping the flimsy ones here so they can be tossed out during our last week while putting some of the rest for Togo and some for VA. Ian cleared out the tool box which is going straight to Togo and after remembering the "no liquids" rule of UAB shipments, I had to redo the boxes of bathroom items I've pulled together. Same for the medicine box. We'll be carrying a pharmacy in our luggage for all the drugs that can't go UAB but will have expired by the time we see our HHE again.
And all that's only the beginning. We don't even have the packers here for another week so I know I'll feel even more wound up next Sunday at this time, when we're actually unplugging equipment and resigning ourselves to a quiet home. Just like our first couple weeks in Manila.
We have managed to break ties with many things and I hope it will only get better as packing day draws near... and the weighing scales. Things of all shapes and sizes that we thought one day we'll use, one day we'll finish, one day... one day. That day is now and to the curb they go. And disappear within minutes. Out of our house and into someone else's, the perfect form of recycling.

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