But at last it's really happening. The painting is half completed and what is done looks fabulous. There is a room (*cough*Katherine's*cough*) that I really don't love, but if we keep the door closed and I don't have to live in it (and she loves it), then I can deal. One day we will learn to pick the lightest shade of purple offered. Pale to the point of pastel is preferable over the bubblegum color we have going, but I will repeat... not my room, not my room...
It's worth it to us to paint for a 3-year tour. The house is furnished in gov't off-white drab from the wall color to the rugs and furniture, which we've discovered is not always the norm. A couple houses down, each room has different color curtains, royal blue Persian style rugs and dark living room furniture. They've painted their walls as well, so everywhere you look there are bright splashes of color. Now I can say the same for ours. Once we purchase some rugs and put our pictures and paintings up, it might actually look like -we- live here.
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